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Tea Embellishes Autumn
2017/12/13 9:51:05

Name:“Tea Embellishes Autumn”——2017 China Chengdu International Tea Expo


Time:9:30—17:00 Nov 11,2017
Place:The connection pavilion between the 6th and 7th hall of The Century City International Convention and Exhibition Center

Host units: Sichuan Tea Culture Seminar of Sichuan Province,
Sichuan Marketing Association

Undertaking unit: Sichuan Tea Culture Seminar of Sichuan Province

The Venue layout
Stage:(1)Take advantage of the stage set up by the organizing committee, LED screen, lighting, acoustics and tables and chairs in the venue, etc. (2)LED screen scrolls the activity theme, logo, process, related videos, and the big data of Chinese and Sichuan tea industry, etc. (3)Perform the music, dance, songs, tea art and lectures associated with tea on the stage.

Venue:(1)Set the tea table according to the spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons; Set the seats according to the 24 solar terms. When the audience enters, they take out the seat sign and sit on the corresponding solar seat. (2)The three walls of the venue are arranged for the prize winning works of the photography competition of Sichuan tea culture. (3)On both sides of the venue, the members of The Tea Culture Association of Sichuan tea industry set the tea product display and experience(No sale).

Process for forenoon

The hosts connect the process with the stories, poems and beautiful language of autumn and tea to make the audience really feel that autumn and tea are always the best match, and tasting tea in autumn scenery is always appropriate. For both of their true spirit lies in free from arrogance and impetuosity, in neutrality and impartiality of the rich and mellow.

1. Suona and folk music: Birds paying homage to the Phoenix(or group dance: Ga)
Executants: Folk Orchestra of Chengdu Shuiyelianhua Art Troupe
Conductor: Jia Songbai(National level conductor)

2. Children's classical tea art and folk music: Nan Qinggong
 Performers: Chengdu Jiao Zi Primary School
    Executants: Folk Orchestra of Chengdu Shuiyelianhua Art Troupe
    Conductor: Zhang Xin(National secondary conductor)

3. Lucky draw(for the first time)
Draw five from the audience and award tea on the spot.

4. Pas de deux: Tai Chi Dance
 Director: Zhang Yubing(National level screenwriter, professor)
    Performers: Zhao Hanxiang, Cao Siyu(or Bo Xiao)

 5. Lecture about tea
Yang Shunde, a tea culture expert, to give a lecture about the history and culture of Chinese tea and how to drink tea to keep healthy.
6. Lucky draw(for the second time)
Draw five from the audience and award tea on the spot.

7. Consultation and interaction
The expert answers questions raised by audience.

8. Female solo: The song of Sichuan tea, waiting for you with a pot of Sichuan tea
Singer: Ouyang Xiaoling
   Vocal accompaniment: Choir of Chengdu Shuiyelianhua Art Troupe
   Accompaniment (with musical instruments): Folk Orchestra of Chengdu Shuiyelianhua Art Troupe
   Conductor: Jia Songbai

9. Lucky draw(for the third time)
 Draw five from the audience and award tea on the spot.

10. Folk Music Ensemble: Canticle of the Sun
Director: Jia Songbai


Process for afternoon
1.Guzheng and Dongxiao: Spring River Moonlight
Performers: Li Zhao (youth Guzheng artist), Zhang Yifan

2.Cover bowl of tea performance
Performers: Liu Guojia (Senior Tea Artist)

3.Tea demonstration and tea appreciation
Demonstrator: Liao Manhua (National-level senior tea division), Fu Yuanyuan (National -level senior tea division), etc.

4.Chinese national wind ensemble
Performer: Sun Xianchu (National first-level actor)

5.Tea ceremony demonstration and performance
Presenter: Liao Manhua
Demonstrator: Fu Yuanyuan, Liu Guojia, etc.

6.Guqin and Dongxiao: Autumn Yearning by Dresser
Performer: Li Zhao,Zhang Yifan

7.Violin Quartet: Butterfly Lovers, Chrysanthemum Terrace
